This is a magical kingdom that has special portals for going to various universe eras, including a portal to the 22nd century earth. 2022 to be precise.
In this kingdom there lived a king named Al-Ardhi with his wife, Queen Naufa humaira
Together with his family and friends, namely King Harun Al-Rasyid (His-Father-in Law), Abu Nawas, Nasrudin Hoja, Prince Aladdin & Princess Jasmine, a monkey named Abu, flying carpet,
and Jinn, the Magic Teapot, Sinbad and Ali Baba. they always travel time portals. especially to earth in the 22nd century.
and they will lead humanity to survive the Globalist agenda & artificial and temporary apocalypse (great reset & ww3). and brought them into his world.
Ini adalah kerajaan magis yang memiliki portal khusus untuk pergi ke berbagai era alam semesta, termasuk portal ke bumi abad ke-22. 2022 tepatnya.
Di kerajaan ini hiduplah seorang raja bernama Al-Ardhi bersama istrinya, Ratu Naufa humaira
Bersama keluarga dan sahabatnya yaitu Raja Harun Al-Rasyid (ayah mertua nya), Abu Nawas, Nasrudin Hoja, Pangeran Aladdin & Putri Jasmine, seekor kera bernama Abu, karpet terbang,
dan Jin, Teko Ajaib, Sinbad dan Ali Baba. mereka selalu melakukan perjalanan portal waktu. terutama ke bumi pada abad ke-22.
dan mereka akan memimpin umat manusia untuk bertahan dari agenda Globalis & kiamat buatan dan sementara (reset besar & ww3). dan membawa mereka ke dunianya.
please read first about the story & rules of this game.
news about the current Global situation, from Hud-hud.
please make your own fantasy character sheet form in this room.such as knight class, magician, archer & others, it's up to you. as well as your skills, jobs, levels, appearance, equipment & expertise, strengths & weaknesses, we have fun fantasizing here. like in the RPG world.
silahkan buat form lembaran karakter fantasi mu sendiri di ruang ini. seperti class knight,magician,archer & lainnya,terserah kalian. juga skill,jobs,level,appearance,equipment & keahlianmu, kelebihan serta kelemahan mu, kita berfantasi ria disini. seolah didunia RPG.
in this Travern Pub and Motels many knights & commoners gather & relax talking about light things, to gossiping about important news. and you can talk about it here.
Like Sinbad who sailed the 7 oceans, or like a famous sea explorer, namely Ibn Battuta, and Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirate of the Caribbean movie.(You here can tell about mysterious, unique, strange & magical places. hidden in an unexplored part of the world.)
colony of believers in the End times era's now.
(This space is a place where believers remain steadfast in defending God's Laws & commands, and are ready to face God's enemies who they deliberately disobey God's laws & commands, and act tyrannically.
and also ready to face severe tests, slander, fear & great & terrible calamity at the end times era's now.)
and devise a plan for migrating to a safe zone point location at the end of time. such as camp shelters in remote & hidden places & underground bunkers, to survive the dystopia of the great chaos caused by the "great reset" & depopulation control agenda, catastrophic natural disasters at the end of time, and nuclear war / world war 3rd / ww3.
and drought & famine in the apocalypse era, which resulted in most of the surviving humans, experiencing insanity, and killing each other to fight for food & survival.
koloni orang beriman di akhir zaman.
(ruang ini ialah tempat dimana orang-orang beriman tetap teguh mempertahankan Hukum & perintah Tuhan, dan sudah siap untuk menghadapi para musuh-musuh Tuhan yang mereka sengaja membangkang dari hukum & perintah Tuhan, dan berlaku dzalim.
dan juga sudah siap untuk menghadapi ujian berat,fitnah,ketakutan & malapetaka besar & dahsyat di akhirzaman ini.)
dan menyusun rencana untuk bermigrasi ke titik lokasi zona yang aman di akhirzaman. seperti camp shelter ditempat terpencil & tersembunyi & bunker bawah tanah ,untuk selamat dari dystopia kekacauan besar akibat agenda "great reset" & depopulation control ,bencana alam dahsyat di akhirzaman , dan perang nuklir/ perang dunia ke-3.
dan bencana kekeringan & kelaparan di era apocalypse, yang mengakibatkan sebagian besar manusia yang selamat dan hidup,mengalami ketidak warasan, dan saling membunuh untuk memperebutkan makan & bertahan hidup.